Vegetable Carving

Vegetable Carving

5th February 2021

Creativity has no end!

Fruit and vegetable carving is a very common practicethat involves the art of figuring into the skin of the item to reveal the fleshy centre, where the colour is different. This allows for all sorts of stimulating and inventive creations. It gives you full satisfaction when the ordinary fruit or vegetable turns into an art. When you shape
things, your imagination turns to be gearing up. One can find this hobby to delight their friends and family and even offer the carving services professionally. As a hobby carving gives pure pleasure and a sense of accomplishment.

The mothers created wonderful art fragments and showcased the hidden artistic talents. They actively took part in the event and presented wonderful skills and artistic carvings. The carving patterns denoted replicas of nature which were simple and pleasant. We are proud to have such talents in our family and they are the feather on
our cap.